Without income poor families cannot rise out of poverty. Poor families cannot pay for higher education for their children, the one thing that will allow them to be employable. They often do not have enough money to even feed their children well, this of course hinders their ability to learn. It is a complex problem and one we have been focusing on solving since the Foundation started in 2021. We have known throughout our journey that employment is the final component needed to end poverty.
The collaboration between The Sumba Foundation and Nihiwatu Resort, now rebranded as Nihi Sumba Island, has proved that a non-profit organization, one that is focused on building the health and education of society, working together with a for-profit business that can provide employment for those that are qualified, will without question break the poverty cycle.
We have vastly improved the health of tens of thousands of Sumbanese, and we are providing education in the form of English language and computer courses for the children. We have provided scholarships to many and will continue to do so. We do this so that the next generations have a fighting chance at getting the jobs that will be their tickets out of poverty, to finally release them from the trap their parents and the generations before them have been living in.
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